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Tips to determine if your course is marketable

Choosing a course or degree program is a significant decision that can have long-term implications for your career. It's essential to select a course that not only aligns with your interests and strengths but also offers good marketability. Here are five tips to help you assess if your course is marketable.

1. Research Job Market Demand:

One of the first steps in evaluating the marketability of a course is to assess the demand for professionals in that field. Keep an eye out for job advertisements in newspapers, online job listing sites, and industry-specific platforms. If you find a scarcity of job openings or a lack of ads related to your course, it could be an indication of limited demand. Conversely, if there is a growing need for professionals in your chosen field, it suggests better marketability. For example, if you see government recruitment drives, like the Kenyan government actively hiring new teachers, it indicates a demand for education-related professionals.

2. Assess Entrepreneurial Opportunities:

Consider whether the skills and knowledge gained from your course can be leveraged to start your own business. Look around your environment and evaluate if there are potential entrepreneurial avenues that align with your course. Conduct thorough research beyond your immediate surroundings, utilizing tools like Google, to explore opportunities and business models. Courses that provide practical skills and knowledge applicable to various industries can increase your chances of setting up a successful business, even without relying on traditional employment.

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3. Determine Career Path and Specialization:

Examine if the course you're interested in offers a clear career path or the opportunity to specialize in a particular area. General courses, such as anthropology, may provide valuable knowledge but can sometimes lack a defined career trajectory. Specialized courses tend to have better marketability as they cater to specific industry needs and often align with current job market demands. Look for programs that offer clear pathways and opportunities for growth within your chosen field.

4. Consider Technological Advancements:

Assess the potential impact of technological advancements on the course you plan to pursue. Rapid advancements in fields like artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation can significantly affect certain industries and job roles. Ask yourself if the skills you'll acquire during your studies are likely to become obsolete in the next 20+ years. It's crucial to choose a course that embraces technology or provides transferrable skills that can adapt to evolving trends. Courses that integrate technology, digital literacy, and innovative practices are generally more marketable in the long run.

5. Evaluate Global Employability:

Think about the employment opportunities your degree can provide beyond your immediate location. Consider degrees with a global reach, such as IT-related, medical, or education degrees, which often have high employability worldwide. Certain professions, like those in the technology sector, have a strong demand internationally. Assess if your chosen course can open doors to opportunities outside your country and increase your chances of finding employment in diverse settings.

By following these five tips, you can gain valuable insights into the marketability of the course you plan to pursue. Remember to thoroughly research, evaluate future trends, and consider both local and global employment opportunities. Ultimately, choosing a marketable course will increase your chances of success and enhance your career prospects in the long run.

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A student struggling to make career choices

📢 Are you a Form 4 Leaver and struggling to choose the right course on the KUCCPS placement portal? 🎓 Here are key factors to consider, in order of priority:

1️⃣ Course Minimum Subject Requirements: Make sure you meet the necessary subject prerequisites for the course you're interested in. For example, if you want to study engineering, ensure you have a strong foundation in math and physics.

2️⃣ Previous Years' Course Cut-off Points: Research the cut-off points from previous years to get an idea of the competition and your chances of getting into your desired program. It can give you an indication of the demand for that particular course.

3️⃣ Cost of the Program: Consider the financial aspect of your chosen course. Tuition fees can vary significantly between universities and programs. For instance, pursuing Medicine at Egerton University may be 40% cheaper than at the University of Nairobi. Analyze your budget and assess if you can afford the program.

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4️⃣ Passion and Interests: Follow your passion and interests when selecting a course. Choosing something you genuinely enjoy will make your studies more fulfilling and increase your chances of success. For example, if you love working with numbers and problem-solving, consider pursuing a degree in mathematics or computer science.

5️⃣ Clear Path to Self-Employment: In an era of high unemployment, it's wise to consider courses that offer a clear path to self-employment or entrepreneurship. Look for programs that equip you with skills that are in demand in the job market or provide opportunities to start your own business.

6️⃣ Avoid General Courses with No Clear Career Path: Be cautious of selecting general courses without a clear career path or specialty. For instance, a Bachelor of Science degree might be too broad and may not offer a focused career trajectory. Instead, opt for courses that offer specialized knowledge and skills, such as Data Science.

7️⃣ Course Demand: Check if there is a demand for the course you're interested in. Look for job advertisements and industry trends to gauge the demand for professionals in that field. For example, if you notice a high number of job postings for software developers, it indicates a strong demand in the tech industry.

8️⃣ Consider the Future: Take into account the impact of technology on certain professions. Some jobs are being phased out or transformed due to automation and advancements in artificial intelligence. Ensure your chosen course has relevance and will remain valuable in the future.

9️⃣ Consider Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Align yourself with global issues and consider courses that address major challenges facing the world. Examples include studying fields related to hunger, health, sustainable food production, fitness, and mental health. You can make a positive impact while pursuing your career goals.

🌟 Remember, choosing the right course is a personal decision. Take your time to research, consult with professionals, and evaluate your own strengths and interests. A well-informed decision will set you on the path to success! Good luck! 🚀


Careers for the Next 10 Years

Do you know what jobs will be in demand in the future? Some jobs are going away, and some are coming in. Are you ready for what's coming next?

If you are just starting out in your career, you probably have a lot of questions and doubts. You may also have seen how traditional jobs can change in big ways over time – all this is because of the ongoing technological revolution we are witnessing.

If this sounds like you, today we'll talk about how new technologies can change jobs and what the future might look like, taking into account the new wave of technology that's coming. As technology improves, new needs will always come up in the world, the job market will always change.

Jobs of the future: 20 Careers that are growing and will keep growing

Even though many jobs won't exist anymore, others will be made to fill new needs. In this post, you'll learn about some of the best-paying, fastest-growing and In-demand careers of the future. These are:

1. Software developers

They are valuable professionals in the market and will be for a long time. They are part of a group that comes up with new ways to automate tasks using computers and codes. Without developers, we wouldn't be in the middle of this tech age right now. They study, understand, run, and fix platforms, and they write the code that makes businesses and services work.

2. Customer Success Analyst.

This is an experts in how users and customers feel when buying or interacting with a product. Their job is to help a client with everything they need when they buy a product or hire a service. Also, it's up to them to make sure that communication with the customer is professional, customer friendly, accurate, so that the customer is happy and stays loyal. Customer Service professional are becoming more common in e-commerce companies such as Jumia, Safaricom Masoko etc and other platforms that pay close attention to the results and positive experience of the customer.

READ ALSOHow to Choose the Perfect Course in 7 Simple Steps

3. Content Creators or Digital Influencers

A Content Creator is a social media expert or influencer, especially on Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, Facebook or Twitter. They are in charge of making marketing copy to promote products, writing blog posts about topics related to the industry, and promoting content on social media. As a content creator, you should have experience with digital publishing and getting traffic and leads for new business if you want to do well in this field. This is because people want to connect with real people more than they want to connect with brands.

4. Content Creator Managers and directors

There are a lot of agencies and people who take care of the careers of digital influencers, and as more creators come out, it seems likely that there will be a need for even more. Advisors to creators not only help them get partnerships with companies, but they also help them plan and manage their careers.

5. Online Tutor or Teacher

Online teaching is going to be a big part of a lot of jobs in the future and teachers are starting to see that the online classroom has a lot of potential and lets them reach more students. An online tutor helps students learn outside of the classroom, either in person or online through a virtual meeting space. They work with students one-on-one or in small groups to help them learn, study skills, prepare for tests, do their homework or understand new ideas. Today, online courses are becoming more specialized and widely available.

6. Coach or Instructor

A coach is a trained professional who helps other people move forward in their lives, especially in their careers. There are coaches for all sorts of things, like money, love, emotional intelligence, losing weight, spirituality, and so on. There are courses for people who want to become coaches, as well as ways to teach and tools to help their future clients.

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7. Personal Trainer

A personal trainer is a fitness professional who helps people figure out their own health and fitness goals, designs exercise and fitness programs, and educates and motivates people to help them reach their health and fitness goals in a safe and effective way. Now that social media platforms such as Facebook, Tiktok, IG etc haVE a bigger impact on how people feel about their bodies, more and more people will want to work out every day. Since many people have trouble staying physically active, they need a personal coach to help them get off the couch and come up with routines that work for them.

8. Digital Marketer / SEO Expert

Digital marketers are in charge of getting people to know about a brand and generating leads through all of a company's digital channels, both free and paid. Social media, the company's website, search engine rankings, email, display ads, and the company's blog are all examples of these channels.

Even though this job has been around for a long time, it has gained a lot of popularity in the online world. Because of this, this job has become more focused on the Internet.

9. Data analyst

A data analyst gathers, cleans, and makes sense of data sets to find answers to questions or solve problems. They work in business, finance, courts, schools, medicine, the government, and other fields. Data analysts use data science to show companies how the past, present, and future will affect their business.

Today, data is used a lot in the digital world to analyze and improve how things work. Because of this, the job of a "Data Analyst" has grown and is in high demand.

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10. Cyber Security Expert

Cybersecurity experts make and run security checks on both the hardware and software of computer systems. They make sure that the systems work as they should and that they can't be attacked. As technology has gotten better, so has the number of bad guys online. Professionals in Cyber Security not only make sure that data is safe, but they also help come up with new solutions.

11. 3D Architect & Engineer

In this digital age, people want to know how their homes will look before they even start building them. 3D artists make this possible by using visualization. Architects make models of buildings and other structures with the help of 3D software. The goal of these images is to help architects or clients see how a property or building will look when it is finished. 3D artists always try to make these designs look as real as possible since their goal is to show as much detail as possible, including furniture, lighting, the outside, the right size, and even the area around the building.

12. Image consultant

Image consultants are experts who help their clients improve their personal or business image. They evaluate, improve, and upgrade their client's appearance, behavior, and communication skills to make sure that their image matches their personal or professional goals. And not just in their personal lives, but also in their work lives, from their haircuts to their clothes.

13. Innovation/Product manager

Recently, multi-national companies and banks are hiring product development managers to assist them figure figures out what a customer wants and what the business goals are for a product or feature, they explain what success looks like for a product, and gets a team together to make that vision come true.

For a company to stand out in the market, it needs to come up with new ideas and think outside the box. As there are more and more competitors, companies are hiring product managers in charge of re-thinking how a company does business and develops new ideas to stay ahead.

14.  Human Resource Managers

Human Resources does a little bit more than they used to when it comes to managing talent. To help people become better at their jobs, they need to be able to recognize their strengths and weaknesses and act on them more confidently.

In addition to helping professionals improve their skills through training, a talent manager recruits new employees, helps keep the company's culture strong, and reduces employee turnover.

15. Direct Sales Representative

The customer now has a lot more options, which is why companies, especially those in the B2B market, have sales reps who will only talk to the customer about their product if they show interest in it. This means that sales will become more and more tailored to each prospect and more direct.

16. E-commerce specialist

E-commerce is already a common way for people to do business. But since there are so many online stores such as Jumia, Masoko, Kilimall, ShopIT etc it will be important to stand out to get customers. An e-Commerce expert helps business owners figure out how to make the most of their online marketing so they can sell more products through all available online marketing channels.

17. Psychiatrist.  ( Mental Health Specialists )

A Psychiatrist is medical doctor who is experts in mental health. They figure out what's wrong with people's minds and helping them get better. Mental health professionals will be in high demand because they deal with mental health issues. It is still very unlikely that automation will replace the personalized care that these professionals give to their patients.

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18. Financial manager

Financial managers are in charge of the finances and accounting of companies, government agencies, and everything in between. They coordinate accounting and make financial reports, cash-flow statements, and profit projections. Financial experts are needed by both small and large businesses to manage their money and keep their finances in the black, and they will continue to be needed for a long time.

Even though there is virtual intelligence that can do math better than humans, this job also means making decisions that computers can't make yet.

19. Professional Care Givers

Today, a lot of older people don't live near their families and have no one to talk to. They want and need someone to pay attention to what they have to say and really hear them. It could be a child, an adult, or an older adult who needs help. Maybe, because they are hurt, have a long-term illness, or are disabled. By 2050, it is estimated that there's likely going to be a shortage of caregivers across the world since one in five adults will be 60 or older.

20. UX/UI Designer

A UX (User Experience) designer is in charge of making sure that the design of a website or app meets the needs of the user with creative and appealing solutions. For marketing strategies to work, they have to take into account how the user feels. The user needs to be led through the site, responding to the design in a way that will lead to conversions. High demand means that there will be a lot of work for anyone who wants to work in this area.

How to get ready for these future jobs?

The most important thing to think about for the years to come is jobs that involve creativity and relationships. This is because those are tasks that AI can't do as well or as precisely as humans can.

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Choosing the right career path

When we're young, we're often asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" and the typical response is something along the lines of "a doctor, pilot, lawyer, or engineer."  Still, when it’s time to choose a career path or revise your KUCCPS course choices, it can be incredibly difficult to find the answer. 

Here are seven steps to follow while trying to figure out your perfect career path to assist you get to the proper conclusion and prevent a sluggish and dull career life ahead.

1. Make a List of Your Hobbies

Do what you love, the saying goes, and you'll never work a day in your life. In order to enjoy what you do for the rest of your life, it’s important to find a job that you love. So, the best place to start is with something you practice or do regularly.  What are your interests and passions? What would motivate you to get out of bed to go to work on a chilly and dull morning? While your passion might not be the only thing, it’s a good starting point when determining what career you want to pursue.

2. Discover What You’re Good At

What you enjoy and what you’re good at can be two very different things. For example, you may enjoy dancing but are actually a natural organizer. As a result, a career as an event coordinator, office manager, or personal assistant may be a good fit. Make a second list of abilities that you have in addition to your hobbies.

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3. Recognize your personality characteristics

In order to find the right career path, you need take a closer look at your personality traits. Personality traits are the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that people have. They reflect consistency and stability—someone with a high Extraversion score is predicted to be friendly in a variety of contexts and throughout time. Therefore, you'll need to examine your personality qualities more closely in order to locate the ideal profession fit. While you may be a talented vocalist, your introverted personality may prevent you from achieving success in this field, because you are too nervous and anxious to perform in front of an audience. As a result, when it comes to your professional route, it's critical to recognize and examine your personality traits. 

4. Figure out what you want from a job.

It's also important to know what you want from your career. Do you want to make a lot of money? Have a job title that sounds good? Or just do something for a cause you care about? By giving answers to these questions, you can narrow down the types of jobs you might be interested in and find the way to success.

5. Talk to experts in the field

Once you've chosen a few careers, talk to professionals in the field to learn more about the profession and the sector as a whole. They will tell you about the day-to-day tasks, career options, working hours, advancement, and other opportunities, which will help you get a better idea of that career.

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6. Find out about the job market

You should talk to career experts, but you should also look into the job market to see if there are opportunities in this field or if it's one that will be hard for you to get into. You should also find out if the job you are interested in has room for career growth. If it doesn't, you might get bored working in the same job for years.

7. Figure out what you believe in.

Lastly, figure out what your most important values are and use them to find a career path that makes you happy. Make a list of the things that are important to you, and then look for companies that share those values. This will help you focus your search and find industries that are a good fit for you.

As you can see, it's not that hard to find the right career path if you understand how to figure out what you're good at and what you're interested in.

Looking for more advice? Head over to Careers Portal for additional opportunities.

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