Image extracted from the Talented fashionista Jackson Irungu, 
commonly known as Lady Jay, Facebook page.
Back in the day, i would dream, just as we all had dreams, some of growing to become, doctors, pilots, engineers and all that. Hahaha some of us even wanted to grow to become watchmen because of the custom of watchmen being armed, hahaha and we would really fantasize in that and be really proud to mention. As a matter of fact, most of those guys today are soldiers, askaris and others watchmen for real. I am not hating on watchies by the way. 

Now, for me, things weren't that way, I always wanted to grow into an activist for human rights. I felt like the world was unfair to some and I thought I could become a fortress for them. I felt like at some point I needed to help people leave the zone they have been imprisoned in, the zone of inferiority. Ranging from the disabled, the poor, the out casts way to the transgender. There is still light at the end of the tunnel though coz hey, I just turned 20 yesterday. Today I will talk about the transgender.

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Until today, like we all know our culture has never opened its arms for the transgender. They have ever been viewed as abnormal beings, they openly are segregated. 

Gender inclinations are not a thing we define, the fact that we are born with our sexual organs varied apart from the hermaphrodites, does not define our sexuality. Most people should be able to define their sexuality at least by the age of 15. 

The likes of Audrey Mbugua, Joji Baro formerly George Baraza are suffering depression, discrimination, hate, back bites, rejection, restricted freedom, no recognition by society, government and at its worst society, family and friends. Their situation has made society dehumanize them and accord no value to their sexuality. Remember the 2015 summit held in Kenya when our president demonized gayism, that our cultural script does not let that? 

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I am not gay mark you, but I am human and understand that not every human will be equal to the majority. Sexuality should not be a factor in according rights and neither should it be used to gauge whether society will or not embrace a particular group of people. I should perhaps founder a "stand with the transgender" initiative and let every human express themselves as they wish because as such, it is actually high time we realised the gravity of this kind of living and recognised other human beings' scripts. 

Big up America, you are such a role model.

By: Bornice Jeptoo 

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