Ignore the boy child today and court an uncertain future.
To all women out there,

Happy International Women’s Day! As you celebrate the gains and steps made towards the empowering of the woman in today’s society, I choose to air a voice; a silent cry at the backdrop of Gender equality. At the start of the millennium, the UN Millennium Declaration set out the 3rd goal as “Promotion of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment,” a calling answered by many to the letter and whose achievements are beyond comparison. However, there has been little to show in some quarters where the woman still languishes in ignorance, being discriminated against, facing violence and retrogressive cultural practices such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation; a case where I believe a lot remains to be done in order to salvage and uplift this particular woman.

Also See: The Role Of Women in Environmental Conservation

Ladies, the above achievements have shadowed the cry I choose to air today: the silent cry of the boy child. A debate will emanate as to why this cry should be listened to at all. In a nutshell I’ll answer that. Our tomorrow’s society needs an empowered population in respect of nature’s dualism. The cliché on “empowering a woman is empowering a society,” has to be re-thought. Dear Women, you need empowered sons, brothers, husbands and in its entirety an empowered boy-child.

The theme: “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step it up for Gender Equality,” is a call to devote solid funding, courageous advocacy and unbending political will to achieve gender equality around the world. This, I strongly believe, is a call to consider both genders alike.

Ignore the boy child today and court an uncertain future; we need a balanced approach to empower both genders. There would be no greater investment in our common future than achieving gender equity and equality.


For the boy-child,

Big Brother Burugu Babu,

International Relations Scholar/Diplomacy Scholar/Social Entrepreneur/Poet/Public Speaker

Do you think our society is ignoring the plight of a boy child? Kindly share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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